Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Cup - Argentina vs. Korea South

Soccer city stadium
Supporters from Messi's hometown of Rosario
Even though Argentina had won their first game, this game was crucial in my eyes. I had purchased a ticket for the 27th of June to a second round game hoping that Argentina tops it group. If they did, then I would be able to see them in a knockout round and that would be the best way for me to wrap my journey to SA. But my end was still far away…

The game had a kickoff for 1:30pm so us (Me, Joaquin and Geraldo) got the day started early and went to the Soccer City stadium (the stadium where they final was supposed to be played…or was played two days ago…Viva Espana). The stadium was spectacular...and one of the most beautiful I have seen.
Pre-game festivities
Trying my hand at the vuvuzela

The Argentina team was a joy to watch during this game and Messi was fantastic. I know that a lot of people are saying he was a failure but I disagree. Every time he touched the ball, you could see everyone in the stadium slowly getting out of their seats as he dribbled his way towards the goal. I don’t think that happens to any player, you have to be really good to have people mesmerized like that.
Giant Korean flag
The less raucous Korean support

The defense though did nothing to ease my fears about this team. It was also fun to see Diego Maradona so animated on the sidelines…he is such a character and I have mixed feelings about him. I think he was an all time great player but as a person and a coach he is a joke. Nonetheless, they were playing great futbol so everyone was ok with that.
Waiting for the players to enter the field

The best part of this game was that I was in the noisiest section of the Argentina crowd close to the playing field. This is the place where the camera always focuses to show celebrating fans during games. The prior day I also made sure to jot down the Argentine chants so I was in the thick of action celebrating like a true Argentine waving flags, shirts and well just about anythingthat the most raucous Argentines do during the games.
Messi doing his thing

We were standing, chanting and celebrating almost for the whole game. I had heard of a lot of complaints about this group of Argentine’s before the game. Heard stories that they take others seats and refuse to move and they stand the whole game on their chairs blocking the view for the people seating behind them and well just being unruly.


Even though I totally sympathize with the people who have to suffer due to these antics I have to admit that that day I was one of them…I was one taking someone else’s seat, standing on chairs, being forced to sit down by the police only to stand on them again as soon as they walk away, waving the flags, singing and jumping on the chairs. Ok…there is my confession.

Our seats were in this section with the most
passionate of supporters

It might not sound very funny to a lot of people but when someone came to take their seat, the whole group (starting with 2-3 people right beside the guys who were occupying the seats and then steadily joined by more than a 100 people) would get even louder in their chanting and jumping and creating noise with drums with the sole reason of creating confusion so that that people will One, get confused and Two decide not to sit among this rowdy crowd. It was like all of them were watching each others back to make sure that there were not a lot of outsiders in that section of the crowd.
I know…that’s so awful…:)
With Sergio Goycochea...hero of Argentina's
1990 World Cup campaign who almost won them the cup
Celebrating the victory with Joaquin
This celebration went on for the whole match, and then it went on for another two hours after the game finished first in the stadium before the police had to shove us out of the seats and outside the viewing area. Then, the celebrations continued on the stairs of the stadium and eventually it spilled over outside the stadium but inside the gates.
Post game celebrations continue inside the stadium till we
were literally kick out by the riot police
Below is a video of the celebration that continued inside the stadium stairs...highly recommend checking it out to get a real appreciation of the passion this sport generates among the supporters. I don’t think supporters of any other country do this. This is pure Argentina! And it was pure excitement to be there doing it myself.
The match ended at 4:30pm and by the time we took out bus away from the stadium it was almost 7pm. We later went to Sandton to celebrate the victory and a fantastic day overall. I also knew that this would be my last night in Jo’burg before I return to take my flight out of the country so I had more than one reason to celebrate! Next day was the 18th and I knew I would be heading towards the world famous Kruger National Park.

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