Sunday, May 8, 2011

Just some ramblings

Bamboo benches
Du river waterfall
I have been away from the blog here for a while due to a combination of choice and necessity. Choice was because I wanted to get away from writing for a while and actually doing a little but more of seeing and feeling. The necessity part of it was work related.

I came back from Mali at the end of February a little sick but just in time for the month end closing of the financial books for February. The month end closing process is fairly intense and extensive here due to the system process that’s old and extensively manual and paper based as compared to what we had in the US.
Trying to cross the river
With Nathan & Ken

Soon after the closing for February, came the time to face the tune from the auditors. First came the external ones from Ghana and then the internal ones who are a part of the Bridgestone group and based in Nashville. While the internal auditors were here it was good to hang out with them and listen to stories from the other side of the Atlantic. One Sunday, we hiked to a small waterfall that falls within the confines of the company’s concession. By the time they all left it was time to do the month end closing for March.

Bamboo sticks used to cross streams
Our turn
The next month was completely devoted to planning the budget and strategic plans of the company from 2011 to 2016 which was followed by the month end closing for April. I did however take the time out one Sunday to go check out our company’s own ship that transports the rubber and latex from Liberia to USA and rice and other donated goods the other way. We were invited by the ship’s captain to have lunch on board. It was pretty awesome to be on that giant carrier…certainly a first for me. Evidently it takes 12 days for a one way journey, it could be a potential opportunity for a sojourn :)
African Bees

April was also a very interesting month from a learning perspective. Before I came to Liberia I was told that I will have to don various hats at work and not just be a finance guy. The past year or so I have been sharing work duties with the Accounting manager when he leaves on his home leave. The last week of April however was pretty unique since I was donning not two but three hats; One as a Finance & Cash manager, then the Accounting manager and then the Purchasing manager.

At any given moment I could be in my office working on the budgets, or in the Accounting managers office tending to some of his duties or processing requisitions, quotes and purchase orders in the Purchasing managers office. I felt sorry for the accounting guys who needed my signature on the checks and had to trace me from one office to another to finally get hold of me. It was a great learning experience and I have to say I kind of enjoyed the multitasking opportunity too.
Our Ship...Harbel Cutlass

Chinese lunch with the Capitan!

As I write the blog sitting on the couch, it feels unreal that May is already here. It seems as if in all the above mentioned activities, the whole of the dry season has passed by. Over the past few days, there has been a lot of moisture in the air and it rained heavily last night. Today, it’s been cloudy with light showers all through the day which are all signs that the rainy season is almost here. Infact, one of the cleaners at the guest house says that the rains are late this year. Global warming perhaps?
Unloading rice
 Regardless, I really like the rainy season here. The heavy and consistent downpour reminds me of my hometown Belgaum. Talking of my home, every time I talk to my family back home, seems as though they are all totally engrossed in my nephew antics. Especially my mom and dad who I think are reliving the times when my brother and I were kids. It’s certainly a tempting thought to go home and spend some time with them on my next home leave but I will wait for the end of the year since I was just there in November of last year. 
The house!
I was carrying all these keys for a few days when
everyone i was the only manager at central office
We are expecting a few more guests in May and June including some senior management, a new batch of interns and a good ol’ friend from Nashville. Talking about the guest house I have to write that it’s been a while since I have been living there and even though I am not tired of living the dorm life, I have to say that I am really looking forward to moving out of the guest house the best thing about having my own house is the fact that I will be able to host friends and have the occasional get together where the party does not stop at 11pm due to the curfew.

The house that is assigned to me is under construction and is not too far away from the guest house. Right now they are plastering the wall so hopefully it should be ready by July.
 Its Sunday afternoon and I am going to sign off early, go to Monrovia and spend some time at an entertainment center (a bar or a hangout spot in Liberia) listening to some good African music.

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